THE SPITS! The postponed gig from July 2022 is happening Sunday 9 July at The Garage at Highbury Corner.
The Spits are already as ingrained in modern punk music as possible, yet still manage to devour the rip-offs and influence the youth of today without even looking like they’re trying.
Going strong now for nearly 20 years, smashing the windows and tearing down the walls of our minds every time they play, these truly vicious visionaries have cooked punk down to its most powerful base form, crawling like Neanderthals through the muck, and creating a flaming trail of hits that’ll take quite a fit of dementia to ever forget.
THE SPITS “self-titled #1” LP by The Spits
With an ingenious amalgamation of DEVO’s early synth work in tandem with the absolute best Thug-Punk grunt the Ramones could ever maliciously muster, The Spits never try to reinvent anything, they just rip it’s head off and drive it home time and time again.
A perfect distillation of punk’s original open-ended weirdness, and modern music’s serrated salvation, The Spits have proven themselves to be no one to fuck with, over and over again.

True headliners, never to be followed and for good reason. They’ve always been one of the most original bands of the twenty-first century, yet it never really seemed like they weren’t doing anything too experimental, save their signature, yet refreshingly just-ahead-of-their-time, synth/drum machine noise they forced the fickle punk crowds to gladly swallow.
The Spits have already done so much, but still have so much more to come, as they continue to influence anyone with a penchant for irresistible punk music, played like there’s nothing to lose.

Brilliant support from Melbourne’ PRIVATE FUNCTION and London’s IRMANS, with Eric Baconstrip from King Salami and the Cumberland Three on the decks.
Tickets: £18 advance / £22 door from –> 14th Floor (no fee): Wegottickets: DICE