Coastal Electronauts initially began as a lockdown radio show in 2020 and has subsequently developed into a popular regular monthly live event currently held at the Waterfront Club in the seaside town of Whitstable in East Kent.
The aim of the its founders from the outset was to offer a safe space for sharing experimental sounds and performances to a new audience of enthusiasts in the town and beyond.
Up to a dozen short sets are played each month by a collective of musicians that include local artists such as Shape Navigator, AnalogueMechanic, Sophie Sirota, OSVoS and Sebtic Smile, accompanied by live visuals from @diz_qo.
With every event live-streamed, the reputation of Coastal Electronauts has grown in the UK and internationally and been a springboard to larger events including the annual International Drone Day in nearby Canterbury, as well as Synth & Electronic Music Soundbaths elsewhere.
‘Coastal Electronauts Vol 1’ is a 2xCD release that celebrates the first year since relocating from the local Labour Club to a new and bigger venue. It features a selection of some of the many dazzling performances that have taken place during 2024 and is released today (12th December) to coincide with their Xmas gathering.
CE V1 teaser 1 Sophie Sirota, Gagarin, Field Of View
CE V1 teaser 2 Shape Navigator, AnalogueMechanic, John Gallen
CD 1
1 Sophie Sirota – Slow (February)
2 Shape Navigator – Aramaic Hymn (October)
3 AnalogueMechanic – Textura Numerus (October)
4 Field of View – Conscious Departure (April)
5 Gagarin – Cingulum (February)
6 John Gallen – UY Scuti (May)
CD 2
1 Sebtic Smile/OSVoS/Head Gardeners – Croissant Encryption (October)
2 Ghostyhed – SIX (September)
3 The Visitation – Beliefs Don’t Matter (May)
4 Dave Poole – Solstician Drone No.1 (June)
5 Mowgli – Amanita Muscaria (June) All tracks recorded by Adam Smith at Coastal Electronauts SEMS sessions at the Waterfront Club, Whitstable during 2024
CE V1 teaser 3 Sebtic Smile/OSVoS/Head Gardeners, The Visitation
CE V1 teaser 4 Ghostyhed, Mowgli, Dave Poole