Bobby Mahoney, newly signed to Stevie Van Zandt’s Wicked Cool Records, has released “We Go On,” the next single off the band’s upcoming label debut, ‘Another Deadbeat Summer,’ out June 14.
Bobby Mahoney has made a name for itself in the vibrant Asbury Park, NJ music scene, sharing the stage with the likes of Frank Turner, Against Me!, Steve Earle, Dave Hause, opening for Bon Jovi, and jamming with Bruce Springsteen and other notable songwiters at multiple Light Of Day Music Festivals, which benefit Parkinson’s, ALS, and PSP research. They most recently appeared at SXSW where they played the Wicked Cool Records Revue! at Austin’s legendary Continental Club.
Mahoney says, “We began tracking “We Go On” in Joe Pomarico’s parent’s basement in September 2020, in the middle of the Pandemic. We were masked-up, socially-distanced, etc. We were all starved for human interaction/connection, and live music, so it was important to us that we built the song up from a foundation of us all playing together in a room. It is a song about death, the cosmos, “Enjoying Every Sandwich” as Warren Zevon said.
Like our favorite songs, I believe the impact of our brief time on this planet will echo long after we are gone, but that we owe it to ourselves and the world to leave as many positive echoes as possible, while enjoying and making the most of our own time here before we move onto whatever comes next. Like your favorite song, we go on.”
Stream the track/pre-order the album here:

Bobby Mahoney | Guitar, Vocals
James McIntosh | Drums
Andrew Saul | Guitar, Vocals
Jon Chang-Soon | Bass, Vocals