On November 28th Desires Profane will be unleashed on vinyl by Fiadh Productions and CD by Grind To Death Records.
Both versions housed in a sleeve that affirms Völva’s chosen role as the enemy, the adversary of the oppressor.
Scathing and acerbic in their assault on all who support the pillars of our rotten society, this band are passionate advocates for its end. You will not hear another album this year as aflame with scorn, contempt and fury as Desires Profane – bewitching in its bitterness and spellbinding in its savagery.
An insignificant, impotent worm of belief came crawling from the desert sands. It brought its wheedling words of bile and honey to our home, its slow poison of false humility and father worship, eating at the hearts of those too easily swayed from sacred paths. Our steel began to rust and our blood run thin. Our mothers and our teachers, our conduits to the world that had cradled us through the centuries, were cast down and discarded as over eager boy-kings clambered across the bodies that had birthed them, scrambling desperately for the crown of the whispering worm. Under this new order of edicts and commandments seers became whores and queens became witches. And the disregarding turned to disrespecting…to dominating…to abusing…and to burning.
“Like the screams from a thousand vengeful souls from the witch’s bonfire.”
– Vittra describes the sound of Völva.

From Malmö, Sweden comes the vengeful, satanic, feminist sound of Völva; a howling, hate-filled voice of rage, fuelled by the fire and the fists that have subjugated womankind since the old ways were undone by the insidious Christian contamination of the world. Born in the simmering underground cauldrons of punk and black metal the band built their foundations with a self-titled demo and the highly regarded Promises Unfold As Lies EP – and now the time for the unveiling of their mesmerising, intimidating full length debut album is at hand. Desires Profane begins with the acidic malice of ‘The Tower’ and immediately draws you into its world of flame and shadow. With its clarity edged with dirt and direct, unflinching approach ‘The Tower’ begins to carve out a strange soundscape of distinct character, with melody implied rather than simply stated. Familiar yet unsettlingly different…it’s an aura that permeates the whole album. ‘Walk With Me’, primal and chaotic, infused with anger and a sense of the forbidden that underlines the fact that Völva are born of different blood, a breed apart and your welcome into their circle is by no means assured. ‘Never Forgive’ stalks you like a blood encrusted valkyrie with a slow menace and a Transylvanian hunger, while ‘The Serpent’ sinks its needle fangs of nightmare into your quivering flesh, injecting the venom as cold flames lick at your nerve endings. The dark and ragged glory that unfolds as Desires Profane progresses is both addictive and magnificent. This is black metal at its assured and powerful, cruel and angular best, attacking with a merciless and fiercely focused purpose. Finishing with ‘Vagabond’ that brings a pagan lilt to its grimy onslaught, a hymn to forgotten times before the coming of the worm, Desires Profane leaves you in no doubt that Völva want to tear down everything that you know and set light to all you think you understand.
Hedonosticia – Vocals/Bass
Vittra – Guitar/Vocals
Skuld – Drums/Vocals